Sunday Service

Contemporary and Bilingual Service (Chinese-English) 
双语崇拜 (中英)

同时进行儿童活动 3-12岁 故事、唱歌、游戏
with concurrent Children Activities under 12 year-olds

Our Service Schedule

欢迎 开始祷告Welcome and Opening Prayer

读经1 Scripture Reading 1
平安礼 Peace Greeting 

敬拜赞美 Praise and Worship
收奉献 Offering Collection

读经1 Scripture Reading 
代祷 Intercession
(儿童活动 Children proceed to Children's Celebration)

证道 Sermon
默想回应 Reflection and Response

Communion, Creed, Lord's Prayer (1st and 3rd weeks)

Doxology, Lord's Prayer (Other Weeks)

祝福 Benediction
差遣歌 Sending Song

Optional Things to Bring
A jacket/ sweater