Seniors Outing to Jurong West Park
乐龄活动 - 裕廊西湖

[Written by Kevin Choo]

1st August 2012 Wednesday
It was a perfect morning at Jurong West Park for a stroll and some exercises. Some of our seniors were much fitter than I thought, while others need some encouragement. I thought if our activities are more regular, we can help our seniors get to exercise more and get to know more friends.
2012 年八月一日,星期三


20 minutes of exercise!
Brunch at Jurong West Market  在裕廊西巴刹享用早午餐
Looking forward to the next Seniors Programme! 敬请期待下次的乐龄节目吧!

Do you have any suggestions for our next outing?您对下次的郊游有任何的建议吗?