[Written by Kevin Choo]
1st August 2012 Wednesday
It was a perfect morning at Jurong West Park for a stroll and some exercises. Some of our seniors were much fitter than I thought, while others need some encouragement. I thought if our activities are more regular, we can help our seniors get to exercise more and get to know more friends.
2012 年八月一日,星期三这是个美好的早晨,我们在裕廊西公园散步和运动。在这些年长者当中有些人比我想像中的还强壮,然而还有少数的人还需要一点鼓励。我想如果我们的活动更频密些,我们能帮助他们多做运动和多认识朋友。
20 minutes of exercise! |
Brunch at Jurong West Market 在裕廊西巴刹享用早午餐 |
Do you have any suggestions for our next outing?您对下次的郊游有任何的建议吗?